Monday, August 18, 2008

Setup and Deployment Project FAQ

Setup and Deployment Project FAQ found on MSDN Forums.

There are some small hits in this FAQ:
  • How do I create an uninstall link on my shortcut
  • How do I deploy a Hybrid VB6 and VB.NET application?

and some more but not a lot..

Passign Parameters to CustomAction

How to Pass Command Line Arguments to MSI Installer Custom Actions

Install the application without user intervention and full logging:

setup.msi /qb /l* log.txt MyCustomParameter=one MyOtherCustomParameter=two

Uninstall the application without user intervention:

msiexec /x {13F62DF0-E078-45C8-B0FB-185D307DB500} /qb

If you use the logging switch on the command line, and then run the setup:
setup.msi /l* c:\setup.log

You will see a list of parameters in the log file. You can specify any of these on the command line:
setup.msi /i <parameter>=<value>

And those should pass into the dialog boxes. I believe the command line you should use would be:
websetup.msi TARGETVDIR=MyVirtualWebSiteDirectory

AJAX-Enabled Web Service

Is there special way to AJAX-enabled Web service ?
Yes, you need to add [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] attibute to the class definition.

Create and Use an AJAX-Enabled Web Service in a Web Site in Visual Studio 2008?

In this video, Rob Windsor shows you how to create an AJAX-enabled Web service and use its methods from client script running in a separate Web application.

Presented by Rob Windsor on October 23, 2007
Length: 12 minutes 40 seconds

Walkthrough: Redirecting an Application to Target a Different XML Web Service at Installation

Walkthrough: Redirecting an Application to Target a Different XML Web Service at Installation

shows how to make CustomAction dll, Add new Form in setup and pass value from that form to CustomAction. Then this value is saved in web.config/appSettings element.