Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Razor Syntax in ASP.NET MVC

ScottGu has nice article "Introducing “Razor” – a new view engine for ASP.NET"
It all looks cool in VS2010 with syntax highlighting but I wonder how readable this style is in text viewer...

Should try it in next ASP.NET project.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Nice short-cut: assign Alt-T to View.TrackActivityInSolution command in VS2010 to Turn-On/Off that option. Now you can browse files in solution and ask VS to show your position in solution tree only when you need it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

"M" language, Modeling in Text

This five-part video series by Miguel Llopis, a member of the “M” language team, leads you through the step-by-step process of modeling a basic domain-specific language.

Level: 300 (core competency)

My Notes: easy video, fast intro to the M-language.

Samples show how to convert

Pat is 24 years old.
Chris is 32 years old.
Granny is 98 years old.
Billy is 3 years old.

To this:

Name => "Pat",
Age => "24"
Name => "Chris",
Age => "32"
Name => "Granny",
Age => "98"
Name => "Billy",
Age => "3"

Using this grammar:

module NovCTP {
language Contacts {
syntax Main = p:Person*
=> People { valuesof(p) };
syntax Person = n:Name "is" a:Age "years" "old."
=> { Name => n, Age => a};
token Name = ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
token Age = '0'..'9'+;
interleave Whitespace = " " | "\r" | "\n";

Modeling Services Resources and Community


Start page to SQL services new staff. It includes "M" language, "Quadrant" app and something else.

"M" looks interesting. Quadrant implementation is great. I'm loosely watching this projects for last couple years and yes, they have some progress but still no real life samples.

DSL is nice feature and M is very easy implementation of DSL. But all samples which are available so far could be easily coded in XML...

Let's wait more.